Moving house can be very exciting.
As you look to new horizons, you and your family can put down roots in Bedfordshire and share new experiences.
Imagine the thrill of exploring new places surrounding Bedfordshire. Think of the sense of achievement when a room has been decorated to your taste - an accent wall here, a woollen throw there, new vinyl flooring in a lovely big bathroom.
You're looking forward to making new friends next door and can't wait to invite your bestie round for an afternoon tea in the garden, with its patio and full borders and trellises.
But, actually, moving house can be quite a stressful time for children. They may not be as excited or as enthusiastic as you are.
It might be that they will miss the only bedroom they have known, or fear they may not see again the little friend they first met at the garden gate or in the playground.
It could be quite an emotional time in their short life, and it is something that cannot, and should not, be ignored.
Even though you will already have so much to think about in terms of the finances and logistics of moving, make sure you spare a thought or two for the children.

Some of the Common Impacts Moving Into a New House Can Have on Your Child's Life


New school

School moves are never fun. Not only does your child have to get used to a new routine, but they also have the added stress of meeting other children they don't know, and are often seen as "the new kid" until someone else joins.
If you're not careful this could impact their academic development, so it's important to keep an eye on how they are settling in.

Saying goodbye to old friends

Leaving an old life behind as an adult can be much easier. After all, you have the ability to text and call old friends, or even drive over to see them.
But children don't have the same independence or means of communication, making it hard for them to connect with old friends, which can harm social development.

Getting adjusted to a new community

If your child is active in the community, whether it be through playing sport or getting involved in local hobby clubs, it's important to factor in how they can quickly get back into those activities in your new location, or they may struggle to grow their confidence and social skills.

Changes in family structure

Perhaps you are considering moving because you have another child on the way (if so, congratulations from all of us at Love Homes)!
While that can be very exciting, it can also cause quite a lot of stress for your child as not only are they moving, but their family dynamic is also altering significantly.

How to Mitigate The Negative Affects of Moving House For Your Child


It's Good To Talk

Talking and being open is the best way forward. It's good to keep things as simple as possible, and in a way, they can begin to understand what moving is all about.
Of course, they'll be worried, but reassuring words from Mum and Dad will help to reduce some of the fears that they will have.
They'll have questions about friends, toys, still being able to see Grandma and Grandad, schools, and sports clubs.
None of their concerns should simply be brushed off - it's important to them so it should be important to you.
Talk to them about how they can still do much of what they've been doing, but in such a way as it'll be a little better and so exciting. Speak about the new things to do, like a park to explore or shops to visit and friends to make.
Children can be quite curious, so share with them what the new place will be like and ask them if they want to know more about any particular feature.
They'll be worried about their toys, so see if they want to get stuck into the packing of boxes. Make it fun for them by making sure their favourite teddies can see where they're going or are wrapped up ready for the trip.
It's probably best to make sure these are packed last and unpacked first as this will ensure they know they have their familiar things with them.
Similarly, their fresh, clean bedding with their favourite characters on them will help with the transition as they will have space for themselves.
So it's important to get their room as ready as soon as possible because toys locked away or unfamiliar bedding could be unsettling for them.

Get The Children Involved

Perhaps you can get them involved in the process, by asking them about what they want in their new bedroom.
Give them the option to pick colours, or pictures, or the type of bed they want. It'll give them a sense of responsibility, and some will feel a little more grown-up.
Help to ease their fears by perhaps arranging a play date with their friends, an afternoon tea or even a sleepover.
When you've moved, make sure to find out about parks and clubs and who lives nearby that they might become friends with.
One of the best ways to help children when moving house is to keep as much as possible to existing routines.
Familiar bedtimes, tea at the table and playtimes can all help to comfort a child and let them know that not everything in their small world has changed.
It could take a little time for a youngster to feel settled in a new home, so you must recognise the fears and be particularly patient.
It is also worth remembering that children are actually more resilient than we often give them credit for. They will adapt, they will make new friends. With your help and understanding, patience and a little bit of time, a move to a new home could be the best thing you and your family has ever done.

Let Us Take Care of One of the Most Stressful Life Events

If you and your family are planning on moving to the area soon, get in touch with the Love Homes team. We would be delighted to advise you on all our suitable properties for sale in Bedfordshire. Contact us on 01525 713111, or email us at for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Impact of Moving on a Child's Life


How can moving affect a child's life in terms of their education?

Moving to a new house often entails changing schools, which can be a significant adjustment for children. They may need time to adapt to a different educational environment, make new friends, and feel comfortable in a new academic setting.

How does moving impact a child's social life and relationships?

Saying goodbye to old friends and getting accustomed to a new community can be emotionally challenging for children. They may fear losing connections with familiar faces and may need support in building new friendships in their new surroundings.

How does moving affect a child's sense of security and family structure?

Changes in family structure, such as a shift in living arrangements or the absence of familiar surroundings, can influence a child's sense of security. It's crucial for parents to communicate openly with their children and provide reassurance during this transitional period.

How can parents mitigate the negative effects of moving on their child?

Open communication is key to alleviating a child's concerns during a move. Parents should engage in conversations with their children about the changes, address their worries, and involve them in the process, such as allowing them to participate in decorating their new room.